Customer Reviews for Kitchenaid Repair Laurence Harbor
Willie Ross on 7/20/2022 8:48:26 AM
Dad recommended your company to repair my cracked refrigerator gasket the other day. The assigned technician had a miraculous hand in restoring my appliance just in the nick of time. He was quick on the draw when answering my questions. I truly appreciate you.
Willie Ross on 7/20/2022 8:47:46 AM
Dad recommended your company to repair my cracked refrigerator gasket the other day. The assigned technician had a miraculous hand in restoring my appliance just in the nick of time. He was quick on the draw when answering my questions. I truly appreciate you.
Harold Cooper on 7/21/2022 7:16:41 PM
Yesterday, I realized that my refrigerator door was not closing well. I request the assistance of a technician. He finished the job on time and within budget. Thank you very much. I am delighted to refer you to others! Keep up the good work.